Frequently Asked Questions
FRS is a leading class action claims management consultant. FRS’s mission is to provide our clients with industry leading services without cost or risk, while adhering to the highest level of professional ethics and standards. Founded in 2008, FRS has already been responsible for obtaining for its clients over $200 million in class action settlement recoveries.
No. FRS is a leading class action settlement claims recovery consulting firm.
FRS is a leading class action claims management consulting firm that prepares and submits our Clients’ claims to participate in the recoveries provided by settlement or other resolutions of class actions that have value for our clients.
When you hire FRS and become an FRS client, FRS will work within your guidelines to manage the claims process. FRS will notify you when we believe that you may be eligible to participate in valuable settlements; we will take action to assure that all of your eligible business units (e.g., subsidiaries, divisions, acquisitions and divestitures) are included in the claim process; to reduce the support needed from your in-house staff, we will provide advice on what, if any, documents need to be collected and maintained, and, when requested, we will assist in that effort; when required documents are not available or are too burdensome to collect, we will negotiate on your behalf to develop innovative alternatives to satisfy documentation requirements; we will prepare, assemble and submit your claim package, and manage it throughout the claims processing phase, including working with you to address any concerns or questions the claims administrator may have; we will provide regular updates on the recovery process; we will review your payment to assure that it has not been under calculated; and we will follow up with you to assure that your recovery check is deposited. FRS’s class action claims specialists are always available to answer any questions you may have.
No. FRS is not your attorney; is not class counsel or the claims administrator; does not practice law; does not provide you with legal representation or advice; and does not possess any specialized legal skills necessary to complete any forms necessary to obtain your recovery. FRS does employ attorneys who have substantial legal training and experience in, among other matters, prosecuting, settling and administering class action claims. And like all of FRS’s employees, those attorneys advocate on your behalf in connection with your claim. If you want legal advice or legal services, you should contact class counsel or an attorney of your choosing.
If you wish to hire FRS to submit and manage your class action claim, you must sign our Authorization Agreement that can be found on this website. Because we want to make sure that our clients are familiar with our Authorization Agreement and fully understand the terms of our retention, please be sure to read and understand the Authorization Agreement before executing it. In particular, FRS wants to be sure that our clients understand the services that we provide, and that class counsel and claims administrators often will provide, at no direct cost to claimants, certain elements of those services. FRS’s Authorization Form also clearly informs our clients that we are a third-party class action settlement claims recovery firm, not class counsel or a claims administrator, and that even though any claimant may prepare and submit a claim on his, her or its own without FRS’s assistance and without incurring any fees or costs to FRS, our clients, by executing FRS’s Authorization Agreement and returning it to us, are retaining FRS to manage their claims on their behalves and will pay to FRS the commission specified in their Authorization Form only as a percentage of the recoveries that they receive. Once FRS receives your executed Authorization Agreement, we will begin to assist you with your claim. We are always available to assist you with any questions you may have.
No, you do not have to hire FRS or any other third-party claim filing firm to obtain a recovery. You can prepare and file your own settlement claim. However, thousands of companies, including many in the “Fortune 500,” have engaged FRS and have found value in the services FRS offers.
As detailed in our Authorization Agreement, FRS’s fees are an agreed-upon contingent commission which FRS will only be paid if you receive a recovery. FRS will receive your payment from the claims administrator, deduct the agreed upon amount, and then send to you the balance of the recovery together with a photocopy of the recovery check (or other documentation) that FRS receives from the claims administrator.
FRS’s settlement summary provides its clients and potential clients with information about specific class action and other settlements. More detailed information is included in the settlement notice that class counsel prepares, the court approves and class counsel and the claims administrator disseminates and the summary settlement notice that the court approves and that class counsel has published. FRS also provides its clients with regular updates on the settlement and claims process. Those updates are provided via email, posted on FRS’ website and by telephone. Additional information also may be obtained from class counsel and from the claims administrator, often through court-approved settlement-specific websites.
You can sign up for FRS’s services on this website, you can call us at (201) 853-0300, or you can e-mail us at info@frsco.com.