Social Advertising Results In Major Class Actions

How do you keep up and learn about the latest products on the market these days? Read a magazine or newspaper? Watch the news or commercials on TV? Or do you rely on the power of the internet and social media?

It’s safe to say that advertising has certainly gone beyond print and television in today’s day and age. We live in a world where we are constantly connected to our computers and phones at all times. So much of what we learn about comes from the internet. Its power is certainly undeniable. However, when does it become just a little too much?

It is easy to feel cluttered with advertisements when you are on the internet. How do you happen to come across ads about that the destination you were planning on flying to, which you may have searched earlier in the day? Or about that car you looked at briefly on a website and were thinking of purchasing? Could it be possible that Google and Facebook in particular could be controlling too much of the “social advertising” market out there? And as a business, how do you know that the ad space you are paying for is being priced fairly?

Google and Facebook were both recently sued in separate class action lawsuits filed in the Northern District of California. The proposed classes includes persons or entities who paid to advertise on Google and/or Facebook as well as publishers who facilitate the sale of advertising space on Google.

FRS is monitoring these class action lawsuits at this time. For more information, please contact us at 201-853-0300.

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